Thursday, November 29, 2007

UDreamIt Vinyl Business

As if I need something else to do....I have been helping Ashlee start a new vinyl design business. Its called UDreamIt Vinyl and the whole idea is that we do custom designs instead of the same old sayings you see everywhere out there. Here are just a few examples of the designs we've done so far. We've been putting the vinyl on tiles, boards, candles, plates, clocks, walls, car windows...pretty much any flat surface that could use a little decoration. She's had an open house, done an enrichment night at BYU-Idaho, and spent two weekends at the local flea market. She's had a really positive response so far and think she will do really well. The demand for new designs keeps me on my toes, but I love doing them and its been a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna, I thought of one that I would like made up it's but it says what is for me." Grandchildren make me Happy" let me know how much it would cost me I'll make up a board for me to hang it. thanks grammie