Thursday, September 24, 2009

Busy Bees pics on the work in the kitchen yet. The new floors, paint, and cabinets are all done but we still have about a week before the countertops will be installed. I'm not going to post any pictures until everything is done....but its going to be a makeover reveal worthy of HGTV! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what we have so far. This time of year usually slows down at work so we planned the kitchen remodel accordingly, but we've ended up having some of the busiest weeks of the year and its been some long days between the office and the house.
Maybe its just cause he's "at that age", but it seems all my stories about Riley these days revolve around him being in time-out. hmmm. Yesterday he had to sit in time-out for something (now I don't even remember what it was for). He knows the have to sit quietly for 2 minutes, then you have to say you're sorry for whatever you did wrong, and lastly give mommy kisses and hugs. Well he now tries to skip the 2 minutes and almost immediately starts into the apologies. So he was sitting there and looking at me with those big blue eyes and he says "I sorry Mommy, I mean it, I sorry!" He's just starting to really put sentences together and the way he said it made me laugh out loud. He's growing up way to fast!


Ashlee said...

HAHA! I remember what he was doing...banging 2 tools on your brand new cabinets :)! I love him so much! He's learning quick how to make you give in!

mandy* said...

Look at that smile! What a cutie!!

Cool Waters said...

He is quite entertaining! When we were in Boise with him, he didn't get sent to time out once OR start crying - I was pretty impressed! Did you guys see my post on our time with Riley??